Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Thank You in 10 Languages

Thank You In 10 Languages

  thank you in Indonesian   : Terima Kasih.

   thank you in Germany      : Danke

  thank you in Yiddish         : אדאנק
  thank you in Punjabi        : ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ

  thank you in Somali         : mahadsanid

  thank you in Macedonian  : ти благодарам

  thank you in Latvian        : Paldies

  thank you in Maori          : whakawhetai koe

  thank you in Swahili        : Asante

  thank you in Bosnian      : hvala ti

How to Make a Bread

wie man ein Brot

cara membuat roti

How to Make a Bread

  • Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre, add the oil and water, and mix well. If the dough seems a little stiff, add 1-2 tbsp water.
  • Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead it until the dough becomes satin-smooth.
  • Place it in a lightly oiled bowl to prove. Leave to prove for 1 hour until doubled in size or place in the fridge overnight.
  • Knock back the dough, then gently mould it into a ball. Place it on a baking tray lined with parchment to prove for a further hour until doubled in size.
  • Dust the loaf with flour and cut a cross, about 6cm wide, into the top of the loaf.
  • Preheat the oven to 220˚C/fan 200˚C/gas 7 and bake for 25-30 minutes.
  • Bake until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped underneath.
  • Cool on a wire rack

Das Mehl, Salz und Hefe in eine große Schüssel. Machen Sie einen Brunnen in der Mitte, das Öl und Wasser, und gut mischen. Wenn der Teig ein wenig steif scheint, fügen Sie 1-2 EL Wasser.
Kippen Sie den Teig auf einer leicht bemehlten Arbeitsfläche und kneten, bis der Teig seiden glatt wird.
Legen Sie sie in eine leicht geölte Schüssel zu beweisen. Lassen Sie für 1 Stunde zu beweisen, bis über Nacht in der Größe oder in den Kühlschrank stellen verdoppelt.
Klopfen Sie den Teig wieder, dann vorsichtig in eine Kugel formen. Legen Sie sie auf einem Backblech mit Pergament ausgekleidet für eine weitere Stunde zu beweisen, bis in der Größe verdoppelt.
Staub das Brot mit Mehl und schneiden Sie ein Kreuz, ca. 6cm breit, in die Spitze des Laibs.
Den Backofen auf 220 ° C / 200 ° C Fan / Gas 7 und backen für 25-30 Minuten.
Backen, bis sie goldbraun sind und das Brot hohl klingt, wenn unter angezapft.
Kühle auf einem Kuchengitter


Campur tepung, garam dan ragi dalam mangkuk besar. Buat lubang di tengah, tambahkan minyak dan air, dan aduk rata. Jika adonan tampak sedikit kaku, tambahkan 1-2 sdm air.
Tip adonan ke permukaan pekerjaan ringan berupa serbuk dan uleni sampai adonan menjadi satin-halus.
Tempatkan dalam mangkuk ringan diminyaki untuk membuktikan. Tinggalkan untuk membuktikan selama 1 jam sampai dua kali lipat atau tempat di lemari es semalam.
Mengetuk kembali adonan, kemudian dengan lembut membentuk menjadi bola. Letakkan di loyang dilapisi dengan kertas kulit untuk membuktikan untuk jam lebih lanjut sampai dua kali lipat.
Debu roti dengan tepung dan memotong salib, sekitar 6cm lebar, ke atas roti.
Panaskan oven 220C / fan 200C / gas 7 dan panggang selama 25-30 menit.
Panggang sampai berwarna cokelat keemasan dan roti terdengar berongga ketika diketuk di bawahnya.
Dinginkan di rak kawat

Jumat, 08 April 2016


Tooth Fairy

Hi everyone who is seeing my blog thank you so much for seeing my blog
so i just lost my tooth today so i want to ask you about something 

is tooth fairy real ? or not ?

comment down below 

this is what i think :) 

i think tooth fairy is real because i got a priceless money from Peru when my family never go to Peru


see you on the next blog

Rabu, 06 April 2016

Traditional Wedding Dress

          Traditional Wedding Dresses

1. Balinese Wedding Dress

2.Indian Wedding Dress

3. Cambodian Wedding Dress

4.German Wedding Dress

5.Nigerian Wedding Dress

3 Birthday Present Ideas

3 Birthday Present Ideas

1. Multi-functional Pouch
Tomorrow is someone's Birthday and you still don't know what to give!!!
Why don't you give him/her a multi functional pouch ?
what is a Multi functional Pouch ? 
Its a phone Pouch with a magnet so you can put it at your fridge !!!
or just any other place :C up to you .....

2. Old Fashioned Box 

Your Friend is a antique lover ?
why don't you give him/her a antique box 
you can make it by covering an odd shaped box with paper and than 
just brush it tea :P without sugar !!!!
than its done as simple as that

3. Necklace with name initial

Take a Necklace and add their name initial than you got a gift 
just put it inside a small box :O than zap you are done 


Hello in 10 languages

Hello in 10 languages

1.Hello In French : Bonjour

2.Hello In Japanese : Kon'nichiwa

3.Hello In Thai :  S̄wạs̄dī

4.Hello In Chinese : Nǐ hǎo 

5.Hello In Spanish : ¡Hola

6.Hello In Korean : annyeonghaseyo

7. Hello In Russian : Privet

8. Hello In Armenian : barev Dzez

9 Hello In Italy : Ciao

10. Hello In Indonesian : Halo

3 Beach to Visit In Bali

3 Beach To Visit In Bali

1. Uluwatu Beach

Ready for an adventure ? if yes i suggest you to go to Uluwatu Beach.
A nice cave near the beach and all those coral.. why not?!!
This Friendly blue sea color and it beautiful spot sparks a lot surfers.
The Uluwatu Beach is located at south kuta.

When you go to This Beach better to keep your eyes opened cause sometime the corals might hit you :D

2. Lovina Beach

Love Dolphins ? Why don't go to the Lovina Beach 
at 5 am in the morning you can see and watch these cute spinner dolphins!!!
they spin and Jump so gracefully
you will totally love this !!! I BET if you love dolphins Why not ?!

3. Seminyak Beach 

Love Blue Skies and Blue Ocean ?
This Beach is totally on the list :P this white sanded beach and 
blue ocean will totally catch your mind :O
This Beach is Located at Seminyak near Petitenget Beach
This Beach will be Nice For couple as they watch the wave roll over the ocean ..